17 Things That Jack Russell Owners Know

I am a self- confessed Jack Russell lover. At home we have had a number over the years and I can't walk past one without wanting to stroke it. Although some people dislike them because they've come across a snappy one, or just don't like small dogs, generally even the most hardened big dog fan softens on meeting my terriers. The thing is that a Jack Russell may be tiny, but it has a big dog mentality. One of my vet student friends told me a story about a colleague telling her that if JRTs were bigger they would be banned breeds, such is their reign of terror. They can be incredibly naughty, but I wouldn't be without my two!



1. The puppies are cute. Like RIDICULOUSLY cute.

2. During the early months (and rest of life for some specimens) anything within reach is fair game for eating and chewing. For Percy this included pens, zips, my mother's glasses and a vintage James Herriott.



3. JRTs have two settings- running wild and sleeping. There is no calm, sensible intermediate.

4. All human food can potentially be JRT food.

5. Big dogs are not actually bigger. They can all be taken on by a JRT.

6. JRTs (well Percy anyway) can actually drive cars and lawnmowers. Or at least they think they can...



7. Squeaking is a legitimate form of communication.

8. As is compulsively licking.

9. The benefit of small size is that, should your JRT misbehave (and it will) you can just pick it up and carry it away from the scene of the crime.



10. If you ever take a JRT to bed with you it will want to sleep on your head.

11. If you take two they will have a play fight on your bed.

12. But when they go to sleep its unbearably cute.

13. Rats do not find your terrier cute. Or rabbits.

14. Or butterflies (this may just be Freddie, he killed his first Daddy Long Legs aged ten weeks).

15. The JRT's beauty regime includes fox excrement conditioner followed by bath time.

16. Parties are for terriers and they will do black tie.



17. Terriers can carry off distinguished and human names with ease. FYI, my next addition will be a bitch named Penelope (to go with Percy) or a dog named Siegfried.


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