Things That Only Happen At Agricultural College

1. Every man you know has one of the following names somewhere on their birth certificate: George, William, Henry, James, John.

2. Wellies are a standard mode of footwear. For lectures, pubs, nightclubs.

3. It's perfectly acceptable to carry a shotgun around campus, or even to have one stored in your student house.

4. You have one club, maybe two, and aren't really sure what students do with the choice of larger towns.

5. Students take horses to university.

6. A dog lives in your house and you consider it a housemate.

7. You have turned up to a lecture wearing jodhpurs and nobody has batted an eyelid.

8. Initiations involve deer hearts, sheep spray and eating dog treats.

9. You struggle to understand concepts such as "veganism" and "campaigning against fox hunting."

10. You can pluck and prepare a game bird.

11. Drinking seems to be a core module for all subjects.

12. Fieldwork involves visiting a farm.

13. Everyone has a car.

14. Many a Land Rover.

15. The weekends see an exodus as students leave to shoot/ hunt/ take their washing home to Mummy.

16. There is an unofficial uniform of tweed.

17. It's possible to pass your degree without ever visiting the library.

18. Old boys (and girls) come back. All the time.

19. There are balls all the time. If you are a woman you take out a student loan just to buy dresses.

20. Despite having to study soil science, have everyone know your business and have to drive 20 miles to a cinema, you wouldn't study anywhere else.


15 Things That Happen When You Take Your Horse To University


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