Things That Happen When You're Doing Ciren Exams

1. Erm, exams, how did they happen... So fast...

2. Let's start this answer with "there is a growing global demand for food" that ALWAYS nails it.

3. Wednesday exam. Thursday off. LET'S GO TO THE ROCK.



4. Thursday. Nice, that's a day of not revising.

5. Second year March exams: "WHY are there exams during Cheltenham?"


7. Someone takes three loo breaks during a two hour exam. Guess they've got the definition of sustainability written in Sharpie on their willy.

8. Leaving an exam early and walking into someone's desk.

9. That person who keeps coughing/sneezing/making their chair squeak.

10. I missed every Thursday morning with a hangover. Surely that's worth mitigating circumstances due to my horrendous FOMO?

11. Someone on FdSc Environmental complains about exams. Ha ha you write papers on butterflies.

12. Badminton or revise? Badminton or revise? Badminton...

13. "I'm going to eat lots of healthy brain food." Five minutes later: "Who wants to have a Domino's delivered to the library?"

14. Third year Equine students being disappointed that there is no pony patting exam at any stage in their degree.

15. Your friends choosing coursework- only electives and finishing exams about two weeks before you.

16. The joy of seen papers... Until you realise that you have to make a bigger effort than with an unseen paper.

17. Getting that slip of paper to fill in and having no idea what your module is actually called.

18. Doing an exam in one of the little rooms in Garner and spending half of it people- watching out of the window.

19. Justifying Friday night Tythe with "revising hard" all week.

20. The shop running out of share bags of chocolate because the struggle is that real.

21. Your handwriting turning into a scrawl and hoping that the marker just assumes you've written something amazing.

22. Listening to that exams cover of "let it go" over and over again.

23. Finals. It really is over. *Cries*


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