15 Reasons To Own An Ex- Racehorse

Firstly let's just point out that you shouldn't take on an ex- racehorse without a decent riding ability, a good farrier and sufficient funds and knowledge to deal with veterinary disasters...1. Taking on an ex-racehorse is equine recycling at its finest, so just think about your green credentials.



2. Ever seen an ugly thoroughbred? Nope, nor have I.

3. Every tiny step with your ex-racer is a massive achievement; hacking out alone, jumping a little cross pole, your first day's hunting.

4. Hunting an ex- racehorse is the most fun you can ever have. The entire field is in a race, the hounds are a weird addition and (for Flat racehorses) the ground is always going to be flat and smooth....

5. Having been in racing ex-racers have basic manners from being on a yard, and if they have actually been to a racecourse they will be pretty cool about things like travelling and being away from home.

6. However having been to a racecourse also means that travelling can be a massive adventure. YAY I'M GOING IN A HORSE BOX, WHERE ARE WE OFF?

7. Thoroughbreds are really intelligent. This isn't always a good thing.

8. Its always pretty cool to turn on Channel 4 racing and see a track where your horse has raced/their old trainer/jockey.

9. You can legitimately make your Facebook cover photo a picture of your horse racing.

10. Galloping a thoroughbred. Yes.

11. The conventional beauty of the thoroughbred means that passers- by will always stop and comment.

12. Your ex- racehorse will have his/her individual quirks which make every day a learning curve.

13. There's always something nice about discovering aspects of your horse's racing life. Like the fact that they used to escape from their stable and empty grooming boxes.

14. Buying a ready made warmblood with dirt for brains or retraining a thoroughbred? No contest :P



15. Going down the drive sideways, being propelled into the air because a pheasant made an appearance, and then shooting forward because of a car on the road... Sometimes you'll roll your eyes, but once you get an ex- racehorse you'll never go back.


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