20 Things You Learn From Being a Veterinary Receptionist
National Ladies' Shooting Day 2015
In Defence of Chestnuts: Orange is the New Black
Why You Should Marry A Farmer's Daughter
17 Things That Jack Russell Owners Know
25 Things You Know if You Grew Up on a Dairy Farm
Things That Happen at Every May Ball
15 Reasons To Own An Ex- Racehorse
Things That Happen When You're Doing Ciren Exams
Someone takes three loo breaks during a two hour exam. Guess they've got the definition of sustainability written in Sharpie on their willy.
Of Lambs and Racehorses: Where the Animal Rights Movement is Wrong
The animal rights movement needs to take a step back, look at the real issues facing livestock globally, and work with farmers to ensure that everyone benefits. And ultimately, they have got to stop spreading lies.